“Gremlins” (translated as “Riiviöt” in Finnish) is a 1984 American horror-comedy film directed by Joe Dante and written by Chris Columbus. Steven Spielberg served as an executive producer. The film follows the horror experiences faced by a young man named Billy Peltzer and his family in a small town called Kingston Falls.
The plot begins when Billy Peltzer (Zach Galligan) receives a cute little creature as a Christmas gift, known as a “Mogwai.” Mogwai is a small, furry creature that must be cared for very carefully: they should not be exposed to bright light, they must not come into contact with water, and they must not be fed after midnight. Billy’s father purchased the Mogwai as a gift from the town’s eccentric collector.
When Billy’s disobedient cousin accidentally spills water on the Mogwai, it results in the creation of more Mogwai creatures, which are much more mischievous and less friendly than the original. These new forms are called Gremlins, and they wreak havoc and chaos in the town.
The film follows Billy, his girlfriend Kate (Phoebe Cates), and the Mogwai’s attempts to control the rampage and destruction caused by the Gremlins. They battle these malevolent creatures using various tricks and traps, utilizing a variety of household items.
“Gremlins” combines horror and comedy and is known for creating the iconic and cute Mogwai creatures alongside the mischievous Gremlins. The film has achieved cult status and is a popular choice during the holiday season for those looking for a slightly different Christmas movie. It also suits Halloween festivities.