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The Secret Life of Pets

The central character is a terrier named Max, who lives a comfortable life with his owner Katie in New York. However, everything changes when one day Katie brings home a huge tomboy named Duke. Katie wants the dogs to keep each other company, but Max sees Duke as a threat. However, the fight for their territory takes a back seat when the dogs have an exciting adventure with the other pets in the house.

On the streets of Manhattan, they encounter a criminal gang made up of abandoned pets. The leader of the gang is a white bunny named Snowball, whose cute exterior reveals the real Bunny the Killer Thing. Directed by Chris Renaud and Yarrow Cheney. As original voice actors, e.g. Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet and Kevin Hart.


The Secret Life of Pets 2

The Secret Life of Pets 2 continues summer 2016 hit animation story about the lives of pets while their owners are away. Directed by Chris Renaud and Jonathan del Val. As original voice actors, e.g. Patton Oswalt, Kevin Hart and Harrison Ford.


Men in Black – International

Two years ago, Agent H and Agent T defeated world-threatening destruction using only their wits and Series 7 deatomizers. About twenty years earlier, as a little girl, Molly saw her first alien and witnessed how the memories of it were erased from her parents’ minds by men in black suits. As an adult, he is still interested in extraterrestrial life and obsessively searches for a secret organization working on them.

So not long after he half-heartedly recruited himself into the Men in Black organization. Molly gets the agent name M for her probationary period and becomes the cocky partner of the arrogant agent H. The two are tasked with entertaining an important guest from outer space, but of course, the gig goes awry, and they find themselves being chased by their organization as well as alien villains. Once again, the entire universe is at stake. Directed by F. Gary Gray. As actors, e.g. Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson and Rebecca Ferguson.

We have the rights for all the other Men in Black movie series too!


Dumbo (Live-action)

Holt Ferrier, who was injured in the First World War, returns to work in the underperforming Medici brothers’ circus. Circus elephant Jumbo gives birth to baby elephant Dumbo. Circus owner Max Medici assigns Holt, a former star, and his children Milly and Joe to take care of a newborn elephant.

At first, everyone makes fun of Dumbo with giant ears, but they are surprised when Dumbo can actually fly thanks to his ears. Dumbo turns out to be an outright miracle, and for Medici, the flying elephant is the best tool to boost business. The new attraction of the circus is getting the attention of the big commercial entertainment machinery. Businessman and amusement park owner V. A. Vandevere takes an interest in Dumbo and hires him for his newest, larger-than-life Dreamland show.

Dumbo rises to new heights with the charming and flamboyant aerial acrobat, Colette Merchant. Then Holt learns that beneath Dreamland’s glittering surface lie dark secrets. Directed by Tim Burton. As actors, e.g. Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton and Danny DeVito.



A failed reporter is bonded to an alien entity, one of many symbiotes who have invaded Earth. But the being takes a liking to Earth and decides to protect it.


Instant Family

Pete and Ellie Wagner have always been considered in their close circles as those who will not have children. But the idea of ​​little feet in the house is starting to appeal. At the same time, they want to do good, and decide to resort to adoption.

They end up at a course organized for future adoptive parents, during which the course participants and its leaders become friends, and after the course they form a peer support group. A joint picnic event between the children in the orphanage and the future adoptive parents makes the Wagners realize that everyone only wants to take in small children, while the teenagers are practically left in the category of children of the poor.

A short encounter with the quick-witted and clever Lyzzy changes the Wagners’ minds and, swayed by warning voices, they get three children instead of one – Lyzzy and her two younger siblings. Directed by Sean Anders. As actors, e.g. Mark Wahlberg, Rose Byrne and Isabela Merced.


The Specials (Hors Normes)

Erityiset on koskettava draama, jossa huumori ja lämpö kietoutuvat yhteen. Elokuvassa seurataan kahta miestä, Brunoa (Vincent Cassel) ja Malikia (Reda Kateb), jotka tekevät väsymättömästi töitä vaikeasti autististen ihmisten ja haastavista oloista tulevien nuorten parissa. Heidän työnsä on ainutlaatuista ja elintärkeää, sillä heidän hoivattavansa ovat ihmisiä, joita muut eivät tunnu ymmärtävän. Elokuva perustuu tositarinaan ja nostaa esiin ystävyyden merkityksen. Sen taustalla ovat ranskalaiset Stephane Benhamou ja Daoud Tatou, joiden omistautuminen ja ystävyys inspiroivat tätä tarinaa. Ohjaajina ovat toimineet Olivier Nakache ja Eric Toledano, samat nimet suositun Koskemattomat-elokuvan takana.