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E.T. is a creature that came to earth from outer space, who, while looking for a hiding place, gets lost in the backyard of an American family. The family’s son finds the creature and takes it home. The story tells about the friendship that develops between a 10-year-old boy and E.T. Directed by Steven Spielberg. As actors, e.g. Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore and Peter Coyote. The film won a whopping four Oscars.


Black Panther

T’Challa returns home to the isolated but technologically advanced Wakanda in Africa to take his place as the country’s king. However, when an old enemy enters the picture, T’Challa is challenged as both king and superhero Black Panther as he becomes embroiled in a battle where the fate of both Wakanda and the world hangs in the balance.

Directed by Ryan Coogler. As actors, e.g. Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan and Lupita Nyong’o.


Justice League

Inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne, who has regained his faith in humanity, enlists the help of his new ally Diana Prince as they face an even more dangerous enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman quickly assemble a team of superheroes to fight a new threat.

Even with an unprecedented array of heroes now assembled—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and the Flash—it may already be too late to try to save Earth from the clutches of a catastrophic attack. Directed by Zack Snyder. As actors, e.g. Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot and Jason Momoa.


The Emoji Movie

Dive into the bustling metropolis inside your smartphone called Textopolis, where all your favorite emojis live. In this world, all emojis have only one expression – except for Gene, who literally bursts out with different expressions. Gene has decided to become “normal” and enlists the help of his handy bestie Yläfemma and the skilled code breaker emoji Jailbreak.

To find the code needed to fix Gene’s expressiveness, the trio goes on an adventure through apps, each with its own wild and fun world! Directed by Tony Leondis. As original voice actors, e.g. T. J. Miller, James Corden and Anna Faris.


Pirates of the Caribbean – Salazar’s Revenge

The hardened Captain Jack is in trouble again when the deadly ghost pirates led by the creepy Captain Salazar manage to escape from the Bermuda Devil’s Triangle in order to find out about all the pirates – especially Jack. Jack’s only way to escape is to find the fabled trident of Poseidon, but to find it, he must join forces with the smart and beautiful astronomer Carina Smyth and stubborn Royal Navy sailor Henry.

At the helm of his pitiful little and dilapidated vessel Dying Gull, Captain Jack hopes not only to turn around the bad luck that has plagued him lately, but also to save his soul gold as he faces the mightiest and most depraved opponent he has ever met. Directed by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg. As actors, e.g. Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Javier Bardem and Orlando Bloom.


The Boss Baby

DreamWorks Animation and the director of Madagascar introduce you to this special baby. He’s dressed in a suit and tie, speaks in a man’s voice, and plays the lead role in the DreamWorks animation THE BOSS BABY. The playfully funny animation tells about the world-shaking event when a new baby arrives in the family, through the eyes of 7-year-old Tim, who has a lively imagination.

Fast-paced, funny and made with a lot of heart, the animation for the whole family brings families together and reminds them of what is most important in a family. Directed by Tom McGrath. As original voice actors, e.g. Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi and Jimmy Kimmel.


Ghost in the Shell

In the future, people will upgrade their bodies with cybernetic parts: there will be stronger robotic arms and better alcohol-burning artificial livers, and practically all people will be equipped with interfaces that allow them to get online anyway, anywhere. Specializing in stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, Department 9 is led by the cyborg Major.

She/It is a unique creature, a masterpiece of the Hanka Robotics company: human consciousness is completely transferred to a robot body. Department 9 faces a new enemy whose only goal is to destroy the cyber-technological achievements of Hanka Robotics, which manufactures artificial intelligence robots.

Through technological implants, hackers are now able to take over human bodies. The investigation takes Major and her colleagues deep into the underworld of cyber hackers, where they also find pieces of Major’s forgotten origins. Directed by Rupert Sanders. As actors, e.g. Scarlett Johansson, Pilou Asbæk and Takeshi Kitano.


Beauty and the Beast (Live-Action)

Beauty and the Beast tells the story of a sharp, beautiful and independent young woman, Belle, whom the Beast takes prisoner in his castle. Although frightened, Belle befriends the castle’s enchanted servants and learns to see the good-hearted prince beneath the Beast’s terrifying exterior. Directed by Bill Condon. As actors, e.g. Emma Watson, Dan Stevens and Luke Evans.



Trolls is a feel-good adventure filled with music. When the giant Bergens invade Troll Village, poppy the happy pill and overthinking Risu go on an adventure to save their friends. Directed by Mike Mitchell and Walt Dohrn. As original voice actors, e.g. Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake and Zooey Deschanel.


Captain Marvel

The Kree have been at war for centuries with another alien race, the Skrulls. In 1995, Vers, a member of the Kriin Star Force who lost her memory, makes a forced landing in Los Angeles. Versi’s behavior attracts the attention of the police and two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Nick Fury and Phil Coulson. When a galactic war between two alien races spreads to Earth, Vers learns about Project Pegasus.

The project was stopped in 1989 after the death of the test pilot in a plane accident. Vers realizes that she resembles the deceased test pilot Carol Danvers. Danvers sets out to find the truth about her past together with her S.H.I.E.L.D. allies. Soon they find out that they are in the middle of a real hurricane. Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. As actors, e.g. Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn.