Spider-Man – Far From Home
The story of the film begins after the tragic events of Avengers: Endgame. 16-year-old Peter Parker has returned to high school life and home to Aunt May in Queens, New York. He doesn’t want to be a superhero right now, because he misses the dead Tony Stark very much. In addition, the teenager’s thoughts are filled with MJ, to whom Peter plans to confess his crush on a class trip to Europe.
Nick Fury tries to pursue Peter, but he is no longer interested in S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury and Maria Hill and their gang have to resort to tougher measures and appear in Peter’s life on the European continent, where strange elementals are causing chaos. To help against these characters, they have enlisted the mysterious Mysterio, but Spider-Man’s help is also needed. So Peter has to balance again between the identity he keeps a secret from his friends and the life of an ordinary high school boy – while taking a class trip on the other side of the globe.
Directed by Jon Watts. As actors, e.g. Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson and Jake Gyllenhaal.