“Breakthrough” is a drama film released in 2019, based on a true story. Directed by Roxann Dawson, it stars Chrissy Metz, Josh Lucas, Topher Grace, and Mike Colter.
The movie recounts the events following the near-tragic drowning of John Smith, a young boy from St. Louis. John fell through the ice of a local lake and was submerged for over 15 minutes. When he was finally rescued and taken to the hospital, he was without a heartbeat for over an hour. Doctors were preparing to inform the family of John’s passing, but after his mother’s fervent prayer, a miracle occurred: John’s heart began beating again.
“Breakthrough” follows the story of John and his family, their faith, despair, and ultimately hope. The film explores the significance of faith, community support, and the miracles that can happen amid adversity. It is a heartwarming tale deeply rooted in real events and human experiences.