Rocketman tells the inspiring story of Elton John’s breakthrough years, when shy piano virtuoso Reginald Dwight becomes an international superstar. The film depicts Sir Elton John’s stages from childhood to the beginning of the 90s. Genius child developed into a music superstar, whose life was overshadowed by difficult relationships with his parents, low self-esteem, uncertainty about his own sexuality, various addictions and bulimia. The brutality of the music industry and the difficulty of loving also come to the fore in relation to the manager boyfriend.
– Elton John is portrayed by actor Taron Egerton.
– Jamie Bell: Bernie Taupin, Elton John’s long-time collaborator and lyricist.
– Richard Madden: John Reid, Elton John’s former manager and romantic partner.
– Bryce Dallas Howard: Sheila Eileen, Elton John’s mother.