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Teit meistä kauniin elokuvan juliste


Teit meistä kauniin (Born in Heinola)

The story of four young people who try to survive with the help of music in a forest industry town struggling in the 90s depression. (Source: Koulukino)

Peruna elokuvan juliste



A comedy about a budding entrepreneur who tries to bring potatoes to Finland in the 17th century.

Henkka ja Etsivätoimisto Kivimutkan juliste


Etsivätoimisto Henkka & Kivimutka

On his way to school, Henkka Virtanen finds evidence of a possible crime. His friend J.K. Together with Kivimutka, the boys decide to find out what happened, because these criminal matters are part of the tasks of the detective agency founded by the boys. When it turns out that mailboxes in the area have disappeared during the night, the detective agency already has two crimes to solve. A fun and exciting adventure begin, where the boys also have to face their fears. (Source: Future Film)


Peter Rabbit 2 : The Runaway

Peter Rabbit runs away from his human family when he learns they are going to portray him in a bad light in their book. Soon, he crosses paths with an older rabbit who ropes him into a heist.


Last Christmas

Last Christmas is a romantic comedy by Paul Feig (Bridesmaids) and Oscar-winning screenwriter Emma Thompson (Bridget Jones’s Baby). The film got its idea from George Michael’s unforgettable music. Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) is Kate, who works as an Elf in a Christmas shop that is open every day of the year.

Kate’s life is overshadowed by constant bad luck and she repeatedly drifts into bad decisions until she meets Tom, who seems too good and kind to be true. Tom challenges Kate’s cynical worldview. Continuing to live together is very challenging because of their differences, but the most important thing is to listen to the voice of the heart and trust what the heart says.


The Holiday

Two women, one from the United States and one from the United Kingdom, swap homes at Christmastime after bad breakups with their boyfriends. Each woman finds romance with a local man but realizes that the imminent return home may end the relationship.


The Nightmare Before Christmas

The king of Halloween town, the skeleton Jack Skellington, leads his people every year in a wild Halloween celebration. Plans change when Jack finds out about the existence of Christmas. What exactly is Christmas, and can monsters bring Christmas to children? (Source:



In an imagined, but not-so-unrealistic world of the future, a small robot, WALL-E, is left to clean up an Earth filled with garbage. He is completely alone except for a small pet cockroach. Surprisingly, one day another robot named EVE appears on Earth, and WALL-E falls in love with her. As the story unfolds, WALL-E drifts into an unprecedented destiny and ultimately fights against human extinction.

The film was awarded the Oscar for best-animated film and the BAFTA award in the same category.


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

When a little hobbit named Frodo accidentally discovers an ancient ring, it binds him to an incredible destiny. He presents the ring to the wizard Gandalf, who instructs him to destroy the Ring of Power, as it contains evil magical powers. According to Frodo, Gandalf, a group of hobbit friends, an elf, a dwarf, and other citizens of the world go on the voyage. Together they form the Fellowship of the Ring. Along the way, the travelers experience dangerous and challenging situations – only the destruction of the ring can stop the evil started by the Black Prince Sauron.

The film was significantly awarded four Oscars: best cinematography, best makeup, best music, and best effects.
At the BAFTA gala, the film won the following awards: best film, best special visual effects, and best make-up/hair.


Beauty and the Beast

A handsome but selfish prince is put under a curse that turned him into a monster, which will only be released if the prince meets someone who truly loves him as he is. The prince doesn’t think anyone could fall in love with a monster like him. One day, the beautiful Belle goes into the castle and wants to exchange the place of her father, who is a prisoner in the castle, for her own. Servants enchanted as objects try their best to make the romance between Belle and the cursed prince flourish.

The film has been awarded two Oscars in the music category and was nominated for the best film Oscar.