The Croods: A New Age
The Croods, the world’s first family, have survived numerous dangers and disasters throughout their history, such as prehistoric beasts. However, now they encounter something that will change their lives – another family.
The Croods need a new home, so the family sets out to find a safe place to live. After finding a sheltered paradise full of natural resources, they think their problems are solved. However, there is one but – another family already lives in the place, called Bettermans.
The Bettermans are slightly ahead of the Croods in evolution. They have a spectacular tree house, wonderful inventions, and abundant farms full of food. The families quickly become strained when they take the Croods to live with them.
When everything seems to be going wrong, a new threat throws both families out of their new homes and into an adventure. They have to accept each other’s differences, support each other and build a common future. (Source: Finnkino)