Level: preschools

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Angry Birds

In the Angry Birds movie, we finally get to know why birds are angry. The story takes us to an island inhabited exclusively by happy, flightless birds – or almost exclusively. In this paradise, Red, who suffers from anger management problems, the speedy Chuck, and the explosive Bomb have always been literally strange birds. But when mysterious green pigs arrive to visit the island, it’s up to these different birds to find out what the pigs were up to.


Winnie the Pooh

Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the Half Acre Forest in “The Winnie the Pooh Movie,” the first Pooh movie from Disney Animation Studios in over 35 years. Drawing from the timeless charm, wit and hilarity of the original stories, the new film brings together the brooding, if somewhat goofy teddy bear and his friends.

“Well, he’s either there or he’s not,” says Pooh. “And you… haven’t.” In addition, Owl sends the whole team to save Christoper Robin from the clutches of an imaginary monster. And so it turns out to be a real day for the little bear, who just went in search of a little honey. Directed by Stephen J. Anderson and Don Hall. As original voice actors, e.g. Jim Cummings, Craig Ferguson and John Cleese.


Elleville Elfrid

Ella Bella Bingo is a fast-paced, warm and funny film for the whole family with an important message. The children in the film have to think about friend envy, competition in friendships and what a good friend is like. In the movie, we learn, for example, about sharing a friend, negotiation and talking about feelings and thoughts. It is easy for a small viewer to grasp the film’s optimism and clear emotional expression. Directed by Atle Solberg Blakseth and Frank Mosvol.