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Alcan Highway (Alaska Highway)

2013 | 75 min | S | documentary, drama

Alcan Highway is a film about a travel dream that seems to be coming true. But is this what Hese really wanted all along?

Material Connection to Subjects:

• History: Examines the era of World War II and the construction of the Alaska Highway.
• Social Studies: Analyzes community and individuals’ survival strategies in challenging conditions.
• Cultural Awareness: Reflects on the cultural elements of the film and their impact on the storyline.

Discussion Questions and Topics After Watching the Movie:

1. Historical Context:
• How did the era of World War II and military needs influence the construction of the Alaska Highway?
• What challenges did road workers face during the wartime?

2. Community and Survival Strategies:
• How does the film depict community and collaboration in challenging conditions?
• What survival strategies did road workers employ?

3. Cultural Elements:
• How do local cultural elements manifest in the film?
• Are there cultural conflicts or understanding portrayed in the movie?

4. Character Development:
• How do the main characters evolve throughout the story?
• How do war and the construction project impact the changes in the characters?

Tasks After Watching the Movie:

1. Historical Research Project:
• Delve further into the World War II era and the history of the Alaska Highway.
• Create a presentation or report showcasing your findings.

2. Community Project:
• Develop a plan for a community project that could aid people in challenging circumstances.
• Present your plan and justify your choices.

3. Cultural Comparison:
• Compare the cultural elements of the movie to similar contemporary situations.
• Write an essay evaluating the similarities and differences between cultures.

4. Character Analysis:
• Choose one of the main characters from the movie and analyze their motives, conflicts, and development.
• Create an essay or presentation summarizing your findings.


The learning material provides a historical perspective on the construction project during World War II. Through this material, students can deepen their understanding of history, community, and cultural encounters. The tasks challenge students to apply their knowledge and develop critical thinking skills. The material is particularly suitable for high school and college levels.

Learning material produced by Elokuvalisenssi

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About the movie


  • history
  • social studies


  • defeating difficulties
  • differency
  • domestic
  • educational materials
  • global education
  • identity and growing
  • learning materials
  • team work

Educational levels

  • high schools and vocational schools
  • middle schools


  • documentary
  • drama

Age limits

  • S


  • Made