Imagination is the only limit

The power of movie lies in its ability to create a connection between the viewer and the story. They evoke various emotions, and their impact on the viewer greatly depends on the movie’s genre, story, direction, and acting performances.

While movies are traditionally enjoyed on the home couch or in the movie theater, their possibilities in public screenings are limitless, only limited by one’s imagination.

Movies are also valuable in a pedagogical context, such as in schools and youth centers. They provide building blocks for shaping one’s self-image and enriching imagination. Movies help illustrate lesson themes and initiate discussions on challenging topics. They are valuable teaching tools for educators, offering a wealth of content that supports curriculum objectives. Particularly from a youth perspective, adult guidance in interpreting media content is significant.

Movies also have a strong communal impact. At their best, they bring people together of different life stages and age groups. For example, events like the Babykino organized by Kallio Library, which offers new parents the opportunity to gather around the movies and various movie nights organized by associations, are excellent examples of this.

In the commercial sector, movies offer an alternative to sports and various performers. Spending a few hours on a restaurant terrace in good company while enjoying a movie is easy, or a company’s target audience event can be built around a suitable theme movie.

In summary, the versatility of movies knows no bounds, from their emotional impact on individuals to their ability to unite communities and serve as effective educational tools

Ideas to use licenses

  • Illustrating and enlivening classroom instruction at various educational levels
  • Class days, movie days, and other relaxed programs in schools and educational institutions
  • Meaningful conversation starters in camp and youth activities
  • Enhancing interaction among library visitors
  • Improving customer satisfaction and customer acquisition in restaurants
  • Creating programs for shopping centers and business customer events
  • Additional services for guests in hotel and accommodation businesses
  • Strengthening team spirit and well-being among corporate staff
  • Various outdoor and drive-in events

For organizing various events and gatherings, you will need licenses for the public screening of movies outside the home. We offer licenses for both continuous and regular screening needs.

Read more about licenses

Monttu KINO - testimonial

Monttu KINO’s events have attracted a diverse audience – families, couples, and even singles. We have showcased movies from various genres, and outdoor screenings have been a favorite among the audience. The walk-in concept has worked best for us from an organizer’s perspective.

These events have helped us raise funds for children and youth sports. The emergence of new partnerships and the support from the City of Lahti have been significant for us. Monttu KINO has generated interest among volunteers, creating important community bonds for us.

We warmly recommend Elokuvalisenssi to anyone who wants to offer unforgettable movie experiences and support the local community.

Vesa Ruotonen / Monttu KINO

Read more about outdoor and drive-in screenings