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Viimeiset rotannahat

The main character of the film, the Man in the White Suit, is by no means an ordinary Finn. On the contrary, he is a Marxist-bearded, Bukowski-like drifting romantic, wandering through the streets of Helsinki, in bars, cars, beds, and in a song. After the entire cast of “The Last Rat Skins,” it is even easier to agree with Buñuel’s statement that human life is, in principle, no more valuable than the life of insects.

Anssi Mänttäri

Kauko Laurikainen
Anssi Mänttäri
Sarina Röhr

Anssi Mänttäri’s low-budget films with their intimate content have become classics. In this black comedy set in summer Helsinki, the main character (Mänttäri himself) jumps from one bar and bed to the next. The film contains especially crude black humor.


Herra Puntila ja hänen renkinsä Matti

The movie, based on Bertolt Brecht’s play, follows the farmer Puntila, who is a real pig when sober but becomes very generous when drunk. Puntila tries to get his daughter married, but the problem is that his drunk self wants her to marry a different man than his sober self does.

Director, Writer:
Ralf Långbacka

Hella Wuolijoki

Bertolt Brecht

Lassi Pöysti won the Jussi Award for Best Actor.

Note: No longer available on DVD or Blu-ray.


Every Tom, Dick and Urpo

The letter, received by the Finnish National Radio’s phone-in program, hopes that in this era of Metoo and many other well-meaning campaigns, attention will be drawn to an unpleasant phenomenon, the use of the name “Urpo” as a synonym for idiot.

In this warm-hearted and humorous documentary, four men all called Urpo gather to reflect on the meaning and impact of their name in their lives. Will the use of Urpo still be decent in 2023? (Napafilms, 2023)

Note: The documentary is only available for viewing on Yle Areena, no physical copies are distributed.


Laitakaupungin valot

In the modern industrial setting of Ruoholahti, Koistinen (Janne Hyytiäinen), a lonely man working as a night watchman, is relentlessly bullied by his coworkers. He dreams of starting his own business and shares this aspiration with Aila (Maria Heiskanen), who runs a sausage stand by the waterfront. Unbeknownst to Koistinen, Aila harbors deeper feelings for him.

One day, Koistinen meets Mirja (Maria Järvenhelmi), who is secretly working for the criminal boss Lindström (Ilkka Koivula). Mirja pretends to be infatuated with Koistinen, but at the opportune moment, she drugs him and steals his keyring to assist Lindström and his gang in robbing a diamond store. Koistinen refuses to implicate Mirja and is sentenced to two years in prison.

After his release, Koistinen tries to rebuild his life from almost nothing. By chance, he encounters Mirja and Lindström in a restaurant. Seeking revenge for the betrayal, he later attacks Lindström with a knife, but is subdued by the gangster’s henchmen. Lindström spares his life, though Koistinen is beaten nearly to death and left on the shore. Aila hears of his condition and finds him, bloodied and lying on the ground. ‘I won’t die from this,’ Koistinen promises her as their hands meet for the first time. (Text by Lauri Timonen)

Aki Kaurismäki

Janne Hyytiäinen
Maria Järvenhelmi
Maria Heiskanen
Ilkka Koivula

The film won the 2007 Jussi Awards for Best Film, Best Cinematography, and Best Set Design.


Hella W

Everyone is familiar with the characters from the Niskavuori plays, but the tempestuous life story of the playwright Hella Wuolijoki is less well known. She negotiated peace during the Winter War, was sentenced to life imprisonment for treason during the Continuation War, but was pardoned after the signing of the Armistice. The very next year, following her release, she became the director of the Finnish Broadcasting Company and later entered Parliament. Screenwriter Outi Nyytäjä and director Juha Wuolijoki’s joint exploration of Hella Wuolijoki’s past brings the story of the famous playwright, politician, and businesswoman to a wider audience.

Juha Wuolijoki

Tiina Weckström
Hannu-Pekka Björkman
Matleena Kuusniemi

The film won the 2012 Jussi Awards for Best Set Design and Best Costume Design.

Note: No longer available in DVD or Blu-ray distribution.


Kung Fu Panda 4

“Kung Fu Panda 4” is a sequel to the popular “Kung Fu Panda” film series and continues the adventures of Po, a panda who has become known as a legendary Kung Fu master.

Po faces new challenges both on a personal level and in battle. He must confront a new, powerful enemy while also finding a way to pass on his teachings and legacy to future generations. The film features familiar characters like Tigress, Monkey, and Mantis, but also introduces new allies and enemies.

The film’s themes are strongly tied to passing down traditions, finding one’s place in the world, and the importance of personal growth. It includes epic battle scenes, vibrant animation, and touching moments.

Viiksipartio elokuvan juliste


Cats in the Museum

A cat named Vincent and his mouse friend Maurice escape a flood by riding in an old piano and end up in a museum. There, they encounter an elite group of cats that have been guarding valuable artworks from rodents and other pests for years. Vincent dreams of finding a real cat family for himself, but he doesn’t want to lose his friend Maurice, so he has to hide him. The situation becomes more complicated when the famous artwork Mona Lisa is brought to the museum. Vincent, Maurice, and the other museum cats don’t know that someone is planning to steal it, and now Vincent must gather his courage and wits to save the masterpiece.



Presidentintekijät (The President Makers) is a film about Sauli Niinistö’s presidential campaign. It portrays the core of the campaign team and its operations throughout the campaign until Niinistö is elected as the President of the Republic.

The team works under immense pressure. Decisions must be made constantly. Success is immediately measured in the media and polls. The task is not made easier by the fact that the candidate himself does not participate in the team’s activities or even really support it.

The film progresses from the first campaign team meeting towards the second round of the election. The team’s discussions are surprisingly open and bold. The language they use is direct and unvarnished. Director Tuukka Temonen’s access to the heart of the campaign is unique. Presidentintekijät is a film about politics at its rawest. When time is short, communication is direct. And sometimes, you just have to laugh.

The film depicts the work centered around the Secretary-General of the National Coalition Party, Taru Tujunen, Marketing Director Kirsi Piha, Niinistö’s Special Assistant Mikko Kortelainen, Fundraising Director Hjallis Harkimo, Political Advisor Jussi Kekkonen, and Jenni Haukio, who was responsible for marketing and communications at the beginning of the campaign.

Tuukka Temonen

Sauli Niinistö
Pekka Haavisto
Jenni Haukio
Taru Tujunen


Before the Flood

The documentary film follows actor Leonardo DiCaprio on his journey around the world to explore the impacts of climate change and how to combat it. The documentary is directed by Fisher Stevens, and DiCaprio serves as its narrator and guide.

In the film, DiCaprio meets scientists, activists, politicians, and local residents from various parts of the world who share their views and experiences on climate change. He visits melting glaciers, suffering rainforests, and islands threatened by rising sea levels. The documentary also addresses the use of fossil fuels, the potential of renewable energy, and the importance of political decisions in combating climate change.


Meg 2: The Trench

A research team’s journey into the depths of the ocean takes a chaotic turn when a criminal mining operation threatens their mission, forcing them into a battle where life and death are at stake. Faced with colossal giant sharks and daunting environmental challenges, our heroes must be faster, smarter, and braver swimmers than their relentless adversaries as the clock ticks inexorably towards resolution.

Through us, rights are also available for the first part of the movie series, The Meg (2018).