101 Dalmatians
“101 Dalmatians” is a classic Disney animated film that was released back in 1961. The story revolves around two Dalmatians, a male named Pongo and a female named Perdita, who live a happy life in London with their owners Roger and Anita.
One day, dogs’ owners discover that Pongo and Perdita are expecting puppies. However, the joyful news spreads quickly, attracting the attention of the wicked Cruella De Vil, who is notorious for her obsession with fur. She decides to steal the puppies to make fur coats out of them.
Devastated by the loss of their puppies to Cruella De Vil, Pongo and Perdita embark on an exciting rescue mission with the help of other animals. They receive assistance from Siamese cats and a loud-mouthed fox, among others. Their journey takes them through the streets of London and the perils of the countryside, leading them to Cruella’s gloomy mansion. Once there, they join forces to combat Cruella’s wicked schemes and strive to save the puppies safely.
“101 Dalmatians” is a heartwarming and adventure-filled movie that emphasizes the importance of family, as well as the power of friendship and courage. It is a timeless classic that has captivated audiences worldwide for over six decades.
The film won the BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film.