Noah’ is a movie based on the Biblical story of Noah. The story follows Noah (portrayed by Russell Crowe) and his family as God informs him of the world’s impending destruction through a flood intended to wipe out humanity’s wickedness.
Noah is tasked by God to build an ark, in which his family and all the world’s animals are gathered for safety. The movie describes Noah’s construction, the challenges he faces, and resistance of other people. It also delves into Noah’s internal struggle to understand God’s will and its impact on him and his family.
As the floodwaters rise and the world is sinked under water, the movie shows Noah’s family and the animals fighting for survival inside the ark. The flood, symbolizing the destruction of all humanity, and Noah’s ethical considerations make the story intense and thought-provoking. The film explores faith, survival, and morality, presenting one of the Bible’s most well-known stories in a modern and spectacular way.