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2019 | 112 min | K-12 | biography, drama

“Tolkien,” tells the inspiring story of one of the most famous writers of our time, J.R.R. Tolkien. The film tells, among other things, about his orphanhood, his studies among love, friends, linguists, and artists, and his time as a young British officer in the middle of the First World War. Tolkien’s experiences have ultimately shaped him into the writer we know him to be.

Koulukino’s educational material deals with film production, a biographical film, growing up to be a writer, friendships, and studying and researching languages. The learning material is aimed at middle schools and secondary education.

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About the movie


  • english
  • finnish
  • history


  • England
  • friendship
  • identity and growing
  • informational
  • intertextual
  • learning materials
  • milieu and zeitgeist
  • reading skills of movie
  • relationships

Educational levels

  • high schools and vocational schools
  • middle schools


  • biography
  • drama


  • based on true events

Age limits

  • K-12


  • 20th Century Fox

For media educator

Finn Dome Karukoski's first directorial for a Hollywood studio tells the story of the world-famous author J.R.R. From Tolkien's early childhood until adulthood. The period focuses on the moment that inspired Tolkien to write his future works. The film follows the life of a young boy, first in a single-parent family, then in a foster family. The beginnings of life are not the best for an enthusiastic and talented boy, but efforts are rewarded, and Tolkien gets to study at a good school.

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