Poor Things
Bella is a young woman, whose brilliant yet eccentric scientist Dr. Godwin Baxter brings back to life. Initially, Bella is eager to learn about life under Baxter’s wing. However, in her thirst for life, she embarks on a turbulent journey across continents with the slick and debauched lawyer Duncan Wedderburn. Through this, Bella, who has shed her previous prejudices, grows into a steadfast advocate for freedom and equality.
The film was awarded four Oscars:
1. Best Actress: Emma Stone received this prestigious award for her portrayal of the young Victorian woman named Bella Baxter, brought back to life.
2. Best Production Design: James Price and Shona Heath were recognized for the visual world of the film.
3. Best Makeup and Hairstyling: Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier, and Josh Weston created impressive makeup and hairstyling.
4. Best Costume Design: Holly Waddington was responsible for the stunning costumes, transporting viewers to the Victorian era and the steampunk adventure.