Promotion of Screenings with Elokuvalisenssi
Yhdistelmä (Combined), Vuosi (Annual), or Kertalupa (Single License) does not cover the rights to use the images or trailers of the movies, but you can inquire about these directly from the distribution and production companies for your advertising needs.
Mentioning the name of the movie and using YouTube links is permitted under certain conditions under our licenses. Read more about the topics below.
Promotion of Movie Screenings Under the Terms of Combined or Annual License
- As a customer of a Combination or Annual License, you can mention the name of the movie in the performance space specified in the contract or in its immediate vicinity, for example on notice boards and information screens.
- You can mention the name of the movie in the following web services: The combined or Annual license customer’s homepage, intranet, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and e-mail newsletters. Sharing and embedding links to YouTube videos is also allowed on these channels.
- Please note that paid advertising on social media is not allowed.
- The contract terms of the Combined and Annual License also do not allow the name of the movie to be mentioned in print advertising, such as posters or newspaper advertisements.
- However, you can advertise movie events in print without information referring to the movie being shown.
- Tip: Instead of using the movie poster image, use illustrations such as a clapboard, video camera, film reel, director’s chair, etc.
Promotion of Movie Screenings Under the Terms of Single License
- Single License includes the same conditions as mentioned above.
- In addition, you can advertise a movie licensed through a Single License in print media by mentioning the name of the movie.

More Information About Promoting Movie Screenings With Elokuvalisenssi
Elokuvalisenssi is part of M & M Viihdepalvelu Oy. Read more about advertising topics from our contract terms on the website of M & M Viihdepalvelu (Section 9).
Contract terms: