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“The Last of the Line” tells the story of change, upbringing, and the theft of identity. Set on the Jamal Peninsula during the Soviet era, the film is based on true events in director Anastasia Lapsui’s childhood environment.
A young Nenets girl named Neko is forcibly taken from her home to a boarding school in a Russian village against her will. Forced into a foreign culture and new customs, Neko rebels against Russification and becomes the target of bullying by her classmates and scrutiny from her teachers. Together with a Nenets boy from the same school, Neko escapes to return to the safety of her own family and familiar customs. However, their escape across the wintry tundra is short-lived, and the inevitable return to school and new Russian life is unavoidable.
The film’s story is told through the memories of an elderly Neko. School has taught her much new knowledge, and Russian culture has become a natural part of her. But something important has permanently changed; as the last representative of her family, Neko has grown estranged from her own roots and lost the ability to continue her family’s age-old traditions.
Markku Lehmuskallio and Anastasia Lapsui
Aleksandra Okotetto
Nadezhda Pyrerko
Anastasia Lapsui
Jevgeni Hudi