Christmas Story
“Joulutarina” is a Finnish Christmas film released in 2007. The film was directed by Juha Wuolijoki. The story is set in a small Finnish village during Christmas and revolves around a family struggling to find the joy and meaning of Christmas amidst difficulties.
The main character in the film is Nikolas, a young boy whose parents have passed away. Nikolas lives with his grandmother and her daughter Luovi. The village is going through tough times, with many families facing financial difficulties. Nikolas decides to do something special by giving a gift to every child in the village for Christmas.
Nikolas embarks on a snowy journey towards the north, encountering various people and adventures along the way. He receives help from a mysterious character named Iisakki, who shows him the way to the magic of Christmas. Nikolas shares his gifts during his journey, bringing joy to everyone he meets.
The film’s atmosphere is warm and Christmassy, emphasizing community, generosity, and helping others. Watching “Joulutarina” has become a part of many Finnish families’ Christmas traditions, and it has received praise for its visual beauty, touching story, and atmospheric music.
Jussi Awards:
Best Cinematography: Mika Orasmaa
People’s Choice Award