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Fight Club
2024 | 139 min | K-16 | drama
Jack suffers from chronic insomnia and desperately tries to escape his unbearably dull life. During a business trip, he meets the charismatic soap salesman Tyler Durden, who has a decidedly twisted outlook on life. Tyler believes that self-destruction is the spice of life.
Before long, Jack and Tyler release their pent-up frustrations by beating each other to a pulp in a local bar’s parking lot and discover that brutal fistfights give them an intense sense of euphoria. Wanting others to experience the same thrill of physical violence, Jack and Tyler establish a secret fight club, Fight Club, which quickly gains massive popularity.
But a shocking revelation awaits Jack—one that changes everything.
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About the movie
- english
- health education
- psychology
- social studies
- consumer raising
- mental health
- structures of power in society
- violence
Educational levels
- high schools and vocational schools
- middle schools
- drama
- Classic Movies
Age limits
- K-16
- 20th Century Fox