Heart of a Lion
Dome Karukoski’s film “Heart of a Lion” is a touching and gritty tale of a small-town neo-Nazi, Teppo (played by Peter Franzén), who falls passionately in love with the fiery Sari (Laura Birn). His new girlfriend comes with a dark-skinned son, Ramu (Yusufa Sidibeh). Will Teppo outgrow his prejudices? Will love conquer or succumb to the pressure from his group of friends? And what will become of Ramu, who finds himself with a neo-Nazi stepfather figure? Behind the film’s unexpected and edgy humor lies deep emotions, and at its core beats the brave and gentle heart of a lion.
Dome Karukoski
Peter Franzén
Yusufa Sidibeh
Jasper Pääkkönen
Laura Birn
The film won the Jussi Award for Best Supporting Actor (Jasper Pääkkönen).