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Super Furball

2018 | 86 min | S | adventure, family, fantasy

A young girl named Emilia gets superpowers from being bitten by her pet guinea pig, which come in handy when the herrings of the Baltic Sea rise up in rebellion to save the sea from pollution. The film is based on the book series “Emilia’s diaries” and more specifically on the book “Supermarsu saves the herrings”, written by Paula Noronen. The book in question was nominated for the Finlandia junior prize in 2009.

The educational material of the school cinema deals with superheroes, writing a diary, bullying at school, social relations in the class, the Baltic Sea and its species, and conservation. The learning material is aimed at primary schools and primary education.

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About the movie


  • arts
  • environmental studies
  • finnish
  • textiles and technical sloyd


  • animal characters
  • bullying
  • climate change
  • communication skills
  • courage
  • defeating difficulties
  • differency
  • diverse
  • domestic
  • environmental
  • emotional skills
  • environmental education
  • equality
  • everyday
  • family
  • friendship
  • friendship skills
  • helping others
  • hero story
  • humoristic
  • identity and growing
  • imagination growth
  • learning materials
  • movie technology
  • nature
  • optimistic
  • parity
  • relationships
  • respectful
  • rolemodels
  • safe
  • succeeding
  • superhero
  • team work
  • thought awakening
  • unambiguous
  • warmth

Educational levels

  • preschools
  • primary schools


  • adventure
  • family
  • fantasy


  • based on a book
  • feelgood-movies

Age limits

  • S


  • Yellow Film & TV

For media educator

In the movie Super Furball (Orig. Supermarsu), some resourceful children and parents handled their divorce in an exemplary way, and serve as good role models for viewers of many ages. Teachers, on the other hand, are unable to take into account the dynamics between children and bullying.

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